Wednesday, June 17, 2009

教会生活营之后 After Our Church Camp


刚过的生活营 (12-14/06/09),我们聚集一堂共同生活,同心敬拜,静心听道,一起进餐,相互祝福。谢谢天父赐给我们这佳美的聚集。我们也谢谢天父藉着何榕生牧师带给我们的鼓励和劝勉。愿天父继续带领我们多思想以弗所书的教导,多培育蒙福的人生、喜乐的家庭及健康的教会。


  1. 若你在营会中有所得着,被医治,得自由,鼓励你以感恩的心守住你所领受的恩福,也与其他基督徒分享,荣耀天父的名,也让聆听的弟兄姐妹得造就。以信心宣告你已被医治、得自由。不要疑惑。
  2. 没有必要时,暂不需与未认识天父的亲友分享。他们可能不明白你所说的;他们的见解也可能影响你对上帝作为 的坚信。
  3. 决定远离罪恶,不给罪恶留地步;不让撒旦有机会再乘虚而入。
  4. 藉着读经、祷告、敬拜和健康思想来守护生命之门,定志过清洁的生活。
  5. 每天读圣经,顺服遵行上帝的话语(最好每年读完一遍)。
  6. 每天早上定时定点祷告(15-30分钟)。奉耶稣基督的名把你的生活和家人献呈予天父;求圣灵充满你,帮助你把上帝的话语落实在你的生活中。
  7. 多背一些赞美的诗歌,常常吟咏,颂赞天父。
  8. 每天晚上定时定点祷告(15-30分钟)。带着感恩的心,回顾天父在我们生活中的什么地方?有什么事情是我们可以做得更好的?为当天所做错的事、说错的话,认罪祷告,求天父赦免,藉着其爱子耶稣基督的宝血遮盖我们,让我们不被内疚感困扰。也祈求圣灵引领我们决心不在跌倒的地方再跌倒。
  9. 定时参加主日崇拜,举心赞美,静心听道。
  10. 参加小组或团契聚会。
  11. 委身参加教会中的一项服事。
  12. 求上帝为你预备一位属灵导师或伙伴。



Dear “People of BGMC”,

In our church camp recently (12-14/06/09), we have gathered to live as a community, worship in unity, listen with a silent heart, have meals together, and bless one another. Thanks to our Heavenly Father for giving us this beautiful time of gathering. We also thank our Heavenly Father for bringing us encouragement and advice through Rev Ho Yong Seng. May our Heavenly Father continue to lead us to think more on the teachings of the book of Ephesians, to further nurture a blessed life, joyful family and healthy church.

After the camp, may I encourage you to observe the following points, in order for the Holy Spirit to continue to renew our mind and our relationship with ourselves, with others and with the nature.

  1. If you were blessed, healed, or set free in the camp, may I encourage you to keep hold of the blessing you have received with a heart of thanksgiving, share it with other Christians, that the name of our Heavenly Father is glorified, those who listened to us will be edified. Proclaim by faith that you have been healed and set free. Do not doubt.
  2. If not necessary, for the meantime don’t have to share these things with your friends and relatives who are yet to know our Heavenly Father. They might not understand what you say and their views might also influence your trust on HIS works.
  3. Determine to stay away from sin; do not let sin have any foothold; do not let Satan to have any opportunity again to slip in.
  4. Protect the door of your life through reading the Bible, prayer, worship and healthy thinking. Determine to live a clean life.
  5. Read the Bible every day, obey and follow the Word of God (the best is to complete reading the Bible once in every year).
  6. Pray at a set time and place every morning (15-30 minutes). In the name of Jesus Christ, present your life and family members to our Heavenly Father; ask the Holy Spirit to fill you, help you to put the Word of God into practice in your life.
  7. Memorize more songs of praise, and regularly sing and praise our Heavenly Father.
  8. Pray at a set time and place every night (15-30 minutes). With a heart of thanksgiving, ponder on where God was in today’s living and how we could live better. For the things we have done wrong or words we said wrongly in that day, confess our sins, ask our Heavenly Father to forgive us, and cover us with the blood of His Son Jesus Christ, so that we will not be disturbed by the sense of guilt. Also pray that the Holy Spirit guide us to be determined not to fall again at the place we fell.
  9. Attend Sunday Worship Service consistently, praise with all our heart and listen with a quiet mind.
  10. Attend small group or fellowship gatherings.
  11. Commit in one of the ministries of our church.
  12. Ask God to prepare a spiritual mentor or partner for you.

Bless you all to move forward in His grace… Amen.

Your brother,

Tik Wah

(Translated by Esther Tan)

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